Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I had not realized I had not posted myself in such a long time... I mean I come out here and read everyone else's on a pretty regular basis... who would have thought I hadn't been posting :-)

Well lots to update since last post... I have moved... got a house ... and Bree`na and I are loving it. I will get some pictures up soon.

Since we moved that means a new school for Bree`na...well kind of... :-) ... she is back in her old school (K-1st)... and her first week there she went to the 2nd grade math bowl... and won the entire thing over all second grades... so she calls me up tells me she got a trophy (I am at work when she calls me by the way ), and explains how she was the "last one standing" so to say... so I congratulate her and tell her I can't wait to see the trophy -- well I'm sure many of us have seen the trophies awarded to the little kids and you know the ones that fall apart easily like you were given from little league or pee-wee football... or even the spelling bee (although I have to say my state runner-up for spelling bee from fourth grade is in pretty good shape still :-) )... well i am thinking this trophy will be like all of these -- so I was excited on one hand that i didn't have to go out and by another frame for another certificate yet again (not really upset about having to do that I love posting her stuff up for her that she achieves)-- but on the other hand I was trying to figure out how I could let her know the trophy would be delicate and we would need to put it somewhere that it couldn't get accidentally broke when her friends came over and such... well when i got home and she proudly showed me her trophy I was "awe-struck" -- this trophy painted antique gold was a very VERY SOLID trophy-- heavy-- UNBREAKABLE -- the kind you see in murder-mystery movies that could be used as the weapon. I was so impressed with the school for giving such thought into a childs trophy these days that I didn't even tell her it would have to go high and "not - be - touched - except - to - dust" ... and the trophy to this day still has not made it to a shelf... it travels a lot to be shown to everyone.

Lets see what other things have happened...soooo much has that i'm not sure I could write it all down... I will tell you this (And our friend Ms Heidi may appreciate this little bit)... one of the first things Bree`na said after we got moved into our house was "mom, now we can walk around with just our robe on and not worry about anyone else being here or seeing us" OMG where did that come from --- hahaha... i would share some posts of my very good friend to show Bree`na that sometimes people are there when you don't expect them to be-- the only issue would be she has argued it already by saying " mom we have one neighbor, that could no way see in any of our windows unless they were in our front yard... and as they got into our yard we would know it ... and no way anyone could make it to our door without us knowing it first so delivery men would not get to catch us with our pants off because we could change real quick before they finished coming up the driveway"... go figure-- but still where does this child get the need for freedom like this at this AGE...seriously!?!?!?!

And now for a semi-closer... this is one of my many but probably my MOST, priceless moments with Bree`na this year... so many of you know Bree`na wants siblings --- LOTS of them... well she has decided that I am not marrying fast enough for her (no prospect yet, don't read too far into that), so while at dinner with my parents Bree`na begins to talk about me having a baby... she says that we need to start looking at the option of adopting, because she is getting older and is really wanting one now ... and if we adopt we could get any age we want -- she knows this because she looked it up (OMG)... so she was thinking about maybe a couple of babies and some four yr olds and some nine or ten yr olds too --- Yeah I know what your thinking--- you are cracking up going OMG--- wait it gets better... so my mother says "well what about mommy having a baby" to which Bree`na says " well she has to have a husband and it's taking her a long time, i don't want mommy to get tired of looking and then we not have any kids" ... my mother then says "well how about you and mommy go pick out the daddy -- you can pick the hair color how tall, the eye color and so much more -- then mommy can have a baby" (now to give you a little history I have had the baby itch for a long time and had mentioned to my mother way earlier this year that maybe I should just go the AI way... hence my mother telling my daughter we could go the AI.... got to love it)... this of course intrigued Bree`na to which she turned to me and said " could we really go do that mommy? , but do you have to go meet the guy after we pick him out?...." ... no i have to explain a few things and try to keep it light with her--- she is only 7 after all ... I say "yes we could, and no we don't have to meet him... the doctors will take care of everything and then make the baby for us..." mother speaks up" they will put the very tiny baby inside mommy and you can watch it grow like your Aunt Amber's" ... Bree`na says" COOL, mom lets go do this" ... and the conversation is over for the night... the next night at our house Bree`na and I finish dinner and are sitting on the couch talking and what-not... she says " how do they get the egg inside you mommy? it big like the ones we eat?" ... my mouth of course falls open, all the while i am thinking i could shoot my mother for opening this "can of worms"... now I have to answer this -- be correct in my answers, but be light in them so not to scare her... my answer back was "no they aren't big like what we eat baby... they are very very small... remember on the doctor show when they had the microscope and was talking about making a baby... well that's what they would do... they get the egg from mommy and then they put it under the microscope and they make a baby... and then they put it back in mommy, and then hopefully they baby will be able to grow into a big healthy baby from that little bitty egg in several months." ... Bree`na then says "well where do they get the egg from you?" ... my answer " all girls are born with lots and lots of eggs so that when they get much much older they can have babies"... Bree`na excitedly says " really!?!?... that's great!... that must be why my belly hurts sometimes, I have eggs in me". HILARIOUS, right!?!?!?!? ... Thanks mom for allowing me the chance to have this conversation with my 7 year old... now I just can't wait for the day she comes home telling me she told someone at school that i am going to have a baby put in me or the day someone at church comes up and ask me about this.... got to LOVE it...What in the world am I to do now?!?!?!?! :-)

Okay more post later.... love you guys